Monday, 4 July 2011

Monday manger - Courgettes, carrot, curry, chicken..... Oh and a parcel too

Oops never got around to posting on Thursday. I went the the allotment and planned to post photos but managed to forget my camera. Well I'm not really a morning person and its hard enough get me and the boys ready. Especially if its a morning after I have worked at the pub. Any way no photos of the actual allotment but we had our first harvest -

The courgettes are going crazy!

Baby carrots from pricking out, just couldn't throw these away so they went in a bolognaise.

1 radish is better than none.

This is only half our bounty as Debbie had the other. Have been again today and picked about 8 more courgettes. Any tasty recipes for these greatly would be great. Managed to remember the camera today just didn't get around to taking any piccies.

Also look a parcel. For moi?

Yes! Look at this amazing parcel notebook I received.

Sent by the lovely Justine (blog). Thanks x I love it!

She won some of my postcards and wanted to send me something in return, so it was more like a swap. These are available in here.

Heres the Chicken and chickpea curry I made last night it was delish (I added some spinach from the garden). The recipe is from the New curry secret by Kris Dhillon . If you want an authentic Indian restaurant curry this book is a must have.

Better see how dinner is doing. The chicken thighs I had in the fridge with todays us by date on were green!!!! Do you think courgette makes a good chicken substitute? Moroccan Courgette any one?

Back on Thurs,
B xxx

1 comment:

A Vintage Gals Guide said...

I'm glad you're loving your book :) I too am enjoying my treat! I hope your getting lots of nice ideas written down! I'm full of new ideas and they all involve using a bloody printer (for packaging) which I'm currently without for the summer! What is a girl to do! x