....... Oh its just Isaac!
Check out my lovely new woodshed.
Isn't it great? Dan made it from wood that he acquired from work that was destined for the dump. Argos are selling one similar for over £100!!!
I never realised how creative he could be! He has also made bee boxes and is currently working on a garden planter. I'll show you them another time. Hmmmm, could we join forces in some way?
Isaac was so helpful helping daddy paint it.
Sorry for the slackness lately with the blog. I just seem to have had so much going on what with easter hols, stalls and days out. Well the weather has been far to nice to be stuck inside behind the sewing machine or on the computer.
I was still a little creative -
Homemade Rhubarb and Orange Jam
Making easter eggs with Lucas
Hot cross buns (second attempt!)
New bags
New shop banner may be?
Oh and the Postcards giveaway goes to Justine! Check out her blog here
Thanks for reading,
B x