Thursday, 31 March 2011

The sound of bells.......

Wedding bells that is.

Oh and no not mine! If I'm honest with you I think I have blown my chances. Dan has asked me twice! The first time we had been together for about 6 months and he had clearly had to much beer. I said we should try living together first. I found out years later he dosen't remember asking me - charming.

His second attempt wasn't much better. I was heavily pregnant with Lucas my first child and he wanted to go out. I didn't! Anyway he kept going on so to shut him up I agreed. He asked me at the pub over a beer - no kneeling, no ring (not how I expect to be asked). My answer was a less than enthusiatic " I suppose so!" Which might sound harsh but a few weeks later I asked if he was getting me an engagement ring and his answer - "Do you need a ring?" Such a romantic! I have told him he needs to ask me properly, may be it will be third time lucky.

Any way, back to the point. My mum is getting married in July and she asked me to make her cards. Here they are, me and Mum are so chuffed with how they turned out. Can't wait to see the boys all dressed up as page boys - will definitly be sharing that.

B xxx

Monday, 21 March 2011

Lets do some baking baby

I love to bake, cook, eat.........well anything to do with food really. Last weekend was spent baking for my sons Birthday party. To celebrate all things foody here are a few food finds that I just love.

Babushka measuring cups

I came across these beauties a few months ago and just had to have them. I can't remember where I bought mine but PLAY have them for just under a tenner - bargain! I didn't actually need them as I bought these from M and S last year -

At least they have come in handy for display purposes!

I am also loving these cake stands. They are plastic, you can take them apart and stack them in reverse and they are available in loads of great colours. They also do a baby version that you can add to the top. I'm gonna go for red as When the kitchen is finally finished it will be white with red utensils etc. I will use it as a fruit stand and obviously a cake stand on special occasions.

If you have read my older posts you will see his bday was a few weeks ago (organised as ever!).
I am a pretty good cook (hope that doesn't sound cocky) but have always struggled to bake cakes. When i say cakes I don't mean muffins or cupcakes, I can make then - easy! I reaaly struggle with big cakes. Thank you so much Delia (yes Smith - she knows her stuff) for your help and guidence. The cakes came out perfectly as I followed the recipe to the ounce.

Remember use exact measurements, tin stated in the recipe and preheat your oven, then you can't really go wrong. To think I always blamed my crappy oven, when it was just me.

Tada! The finished Hogwarts cake.

I also made some number 7 biscuits.....

...... blueberry muffins, sandwiches for the grown ups, lime and raspberry jelly for the kids (the growns enjoyed this as much as the kids!) and other party treats. The kids where so hungry after all the running around at the multisports party that it didn't last long!

I'm already thinking about when I can do my next cake so I can improve even more. May be my sister will let me do Lexi's in August but can I wait that long?

Whats cooking?
B x

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Red Hot!

This treasury is on fire!

I love them all but my all time favourite is the Elephant floor cushion by Mookah.

Thank you for PIGandFISH for letting me be part of such a bright and beautiful Treasury.

Pig and Fish is a 2 woman design studio featuring colorful and useful products for the home by Maine artists Deb Gill and Nanako O'Donnell. I just love their stuff. They make lamps, mirrors, key hooks and other homewares this is my fave -

Cottage - A wall mounted mail and key holder

This is such a fantastic and unique idea. I love it!

Have a fab weekend and keep your fingers crossed for sun.

B ✗

Monday, 14 March 2011

The Owl and the Pussy cat went to sea.......

In a beautiful pea-green boat.
They took some honey, and plenty of money
Wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
"O lovely Pussy, O Pussy, my love,
What a beautful Pussy you are,
You are,
You are!"
What a beautiful Pussy you are!"

Pussy said to the Owl, "You elegant fowl,
How charmingly sweet you sing!
Oh, let us be married; too long we have tarried.
But what shall we do for a ring?"
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the bong-tree grows.
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood,
With a ring at the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.

So they took it away, and married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon.
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.

Lucas is doing all things The Owl and Pussycat at school. He has to draw them, learn the rhyme etc.... So I decided to make him an Owl and Pussy cat in a bag especially for his class to use when learning the rhyme. I plan to make up more of these to sell at in my Folksy and Etsy shops. I got the idea from my 3 babushkas in a bag -

I have also made use of this fantastic book that I picked up at a charity shop when Lucas was tiny. I pretended to Dan that it was for him but I bought it for the Illustrations (by William Wiesner - who I must find out more about and will share when I do), it is nice that it has come in handy in another way.

Thanks for reading,
B x

P.s. I only knew the first verse!! So I have learnt something too. What have you learnt today?

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Love - is it real?

Over heard some ladies about 10 years older than me (I'm 32) at the work tonight talking about love. They were saying it doesn't really exist and that you think you are in love for the first 18 months and then you are just friends! I know they are all still with their partners and all have kids. I like to think I am still in love with my man (even though he may irriate me like hell some days and I'm sure I do him) and if they really think this why are they all still with their men. How would they feel if they left tomorrow? Is love real?

I remember being upset when Dan said he loved the kids more than me but kind of know what he means.

On a lighter note heres a lovely treasury from mmacdougall8 -

What doesn't say love like a heart shaped jam tart for Valentines day? Made with love and homemade blackberry jam just for Dan!

I have to admit the idea came from Isaac my 4 year old. wheni said we were making jam tarts he thought I said "jam hearts!"
B x

Monday, 7 March 2011


How cute are these? My friend just sent me this link, thanks Emelie xx

I love these so much and even their name is brilliant - Twitwooshkas!
A brilliant twist on the much loved Matryoska.
C u Thurs!
B x

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Blue and Navy....

What a beautiful treasury by Yipestoo - Thanks x

16 Beaky

My fav has to be the peace bowl by Gallery for Harvest Gold because it would look great in my dining room (not that it is anywhere near finished but it will eventually be teal and the darker shade of green) for keys and other niknaks. It also makes me think of the places in the world that could do with a little Peace!

Which is your favourite and why?

Bye for now, I will be back very soon with more new bits and bobs.
B x

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

What! No! Really?

Yes it is true my little boy Lucas turned 7 today. I still can't believe it and it has gone by so fast. There were some hard times and at times these seemed to out weigh the good. It was so worth it!

I am so proud of the boy that he is and looking forward to seeing the man he will become. He lights up the room with his smile, he has so much energy (constantly going 100 mph! Well until it comes to homework that is.), is so kind (would hate to hurt anyones feelings), sensative (which is both good and bad, trust me I know) and just a complete star.

Happy Birthday Lucas!

B x

This evening we will be mostly making up his new Lego sets - yay!

Oh and I will be back tomorrow, the last 2 weeks have been a bit hectic!

Also forgot to tell you Lucas got an outstanding school report. I even had a little blub (cos I was so proud!), I seem to cry at almost anything these days - even got a little choked writing this.