Thursday, 10 February 2011


Parenthood is the hardest thing you will do in your life but also by far the most rewarding. I love the Steve Martin film so much it really should be a classic. If you are a parent and haven't seen it, you must! From trying to take photos to kids dressing up naked but for a cowboy hat and holster. It is hilarious and you should own a copy for when you have had a trying day with the kids.

The reason I was thinking about this film is because I have a parents evening for my 6 year old tonight and I am very nervous. His last parents eve was pretty upsetting, I ended up blubbing! I don't really agree with the way they grade the kids at such a young age and am not bothered about him being the top of the class. What really upset me was that he got D for both effort and attitude. I know that he has improved as he got an achievement award recently for having improved so much. I can't help being nervous though. I am just hoping if I cry this time they will be tears of joy.

I was watching clips of the film Parenthood this morning and found out (I am a little slow when it comes to new TV shows) that NBC have done an adaptation of the 1989 film. The first season is now on DVD and you can watch the episodes here. I hope its good! Sounds like it should be, does any one know when it will air in the UK? Or have I missed it?

Another plus is that Peter (Eye candy) Krause from Six Feet Under is in it.

Wish me luck!
B x

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Babushka Love

It is pretty clear that I love them.......

.......but so does B-side Metalworks.

Which is your favourite? I think mine has to be the twilight owls.

B-side makes some beautiful personalised jewellery and some fantastic wire work -

See you again tomorrow ,
B xxx

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Owls, Gnomes, Babushkas - Oh my!

Ok so its time to tell you about some of my new handmade goodies. I have been trying to come up with an owl design for some time. So on a cold January evening I felt inspired to get out my pencil and sketch pad. Isn't it funny? Some days you can draw and draw and draw some more but you just can't come up with that great design you are looking for. Then on other days it just appears on the paper with very little effort. That winters evening was definitely the latter - yippeeee!

So excited was I that I had all the felt cut out and was playing around with ribbons, buttons and fabrics. I can often be found doing this for no other reason than I like looking at them, sorting them, eating them..... Well may be not eating them but you've got to admit some of these buttons look good enough to eat.

This one would make a perfect pincushion.

Hang them by the fire - Not to close though, I don't want be responsible for anybodys house burning down!

Pop one in your underwear drawer for nice fresh undies.

Carry one in your hangbag and wip it out and take a big sniff when the kids are driving you potty.

Hang in your wardrobe to keep moths at bay.

Oh and remember I am always happy to make some with out lavender, I know not everyone loves lavender like I do.

I don't really have much to say about this except that I love gnomes! Not enough to have a garden full, enough to make a Gnomey brooch . I do think they are cute and cheerful and they make me smile.

What silly things make you smile?

Lastly my babushka purses. I made a few of these last year and found them a real pain to make. I realised I was going about it the wrong way and now they are a breeze. I really, really love these and hope you do to.

I use mine to carry my business cards, you can get at least 20 (yes I have counted!) in it.

Think thats enough from me. Loads to do and I'm off to London for the weekend with the girls so really should do some ironing and packing. Child free weekend - Yay! I love them but I love time away from them.

Thanks for reading,
B x

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Three in one!

Just got in from work at the pub to discover this! I'm in one treasury 3 times!

Gotta love the babushka.

Thanks Pepperpi xx Loving your.............................

I'll be back tomorrow with some owls of my own.

B xxx