Wednesday, 29 April 2009

A ray of sunshine on a wet Monday morning.

I love it!  It cheered me up no end on a wet and windy morning. This is my Pay it forward gift from Emma at Stitching magpie.

I have already hung it on the fireplace, if I had a potting shed I would hang it in there. I dream of having a potting shed one day, oh and a huge green house. I imagine it to be like this -

Yes, that is Kew Gardens! Well a girl can dream can't she.

I have been meaning to show you some of the family photo shoot piccies. We have been meaning to have some done for a while, so when I won a voucher in a charity raffle it seemed like the perfect opportunity.

The ones of the boys came out really nicely, however the ones of me and Dan were all really cheesy. Why do they make you pose in such silly ways. For one particular photo the photographer had me and Dan laying on our stomachs with noses touching. Lets just say this wasn't the best idea as we both have fair sized conks!

Any way better get back to the crochet, need to get it finished to mail today.
B x

Thursday, 23 April 2009

A haberdashery of sorts

Tonight I have been working on my new etsy shop. I have been wanting to do this for some time. Its just finding the time. Heres the new banner, I am really pleased with how it turned out.

I have called it Beakyberdashery as it is a haberdashery of sorts. I will be selling lots of bright and fun supplies for crafts. Here are just some of the buttons I will be selling -

...and heres some more -

There will be new and vintage supplies available including this gorgeous vintage embroidered ribbon which is currently available in my other etsy shop Beaky.

I hope to start listing over the next few days. I will also have fabric, buckles, bags and will be destashing lots of beads and other bits and bobs too. 
B x

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

The cutest little teacup ride.....

How cute is this? I didn't pay for a ride but thought I should put Isaac in it or I might look a little loopy photographing a ride with no child in. Isaac clearly isn't impressed!

The model village

The boys and the Thomas'! We got the little Thomas from a grabby machine, I know they are a con but the boys love watching you have a go. Then every now and then you get lucky, Isaac is so chuffed as you can see.

Writing our names in the sand. It must be easier writing your name with a finger than with a pencil, this is Lucas' best writing ever.

Sausage and chips any one?  Well you can't go to the seaside and not visit the chip shop. Lucas can highly recommend then - he ate the lot! Dan and I had Fish and chips of course but don't think any one wants to see us eating.

The beach - the boys playing in the sand. 

We only went for 2 days but still had lots of fun in Skeg. It was still a little chilly but at least it was dry and the sun made an appearance on the second day too. Yay!
B x

Thursday, 16 April 2009

You can still pay it forward

Just a little post to say its not to late if you want to join in the gift giving heres how -


Here are the blogs of the three people who will be recieving handmade gifts from me -

The Dotty One - You must see her lovely plushies monsters they are fab!

Padmade - She bakes yummy cakes!

Acardaday - What a wonderful idea to send a card a day! Some are sent just because.

Go pop over to their blogs and leave a comment, you can read my earlier blog here for more info. 

B x

Monday, 13 April 2009

Fun, fun, fun!

As promised the Easter photos -

Isaac enjoying a hot cross bun!

Lucas mixing the chocolate and shreddied wheat for the chocolate birds nests.

Lucas spoons in the mixture and Isaac finishes with the mini eggs. Granny giving some words of encouragement.

Ta da! The finished nests, didn't they do a good job? They were so yummy and as we made them on Grandmas Birthday we thought it only right to treat her to a few along with a meal at Zizi's.

Also better late than never some photos from my trip to London with the girls. Emma, Pippa and me waiting for the tube - we had to do something to pass the time. Being goofy seem liked a good idea. Pippa is such a poser! I think she spends hours practicing in the mirror. I took the photo so I assume that is my concentration face.

On public transport on the way to Wagamama's.

At Wagamama's - yum! This is one of my fav places to eat, if you haven't tried it you need to.

I Have the whole weekend in pictures, but didn't want to bore you with them all. I was planning on putting a DVD together. I have photos of the front door, Lindsay answering the door.... you get the picture.
Off to Skeg in the morning, I just hope the weather at least stays dry.
B x

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Pay It Forward.....

I have joined this thing called pay it forward. For those of you who don't know, this is how it works - the first three people to leave a comment will receive a fab hand made gift from me!


All you have to do is leave a comment. Once you have left your comment do a "pay it forward post" as soon as you can. Then continue the gift giving to the first three people to comment on your blog.  I've signed up for one on Emma's blog
Its such a great idea.

B x

Face-lift complete!! Well probably

I wish I wasn't so god damn indecisive! Well this is what I have come up with, after lots and lots (as I said I am indecisive) of swapping and changing. I think I may have to update my banner and as I feel it could coordinate better. I may also play with the text colour some more.

Well what do you think? I'd love to know. Good or bad it all helps. I hope to post the pics of London and the boys enjoying Easter tomorrow, then its off to Skeg for a few days.
B x

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Having a face-lift......

... hope to bring you a better looking blog soon. Time for bed now though.

Nighty night!
B xxx

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Bunting for boys!

 As people said they liked the idea, would stock it in their shop and my eldest said he would like some for his room. Here it is! It is so bright and cheerful - look how well it goes with the boys room.

When I showed it to Isaac my 2 year old he said "Wow!". I think that means he likes it. Whats not to like? Robots, lightning flashes, red, turquoise......

I have listed it in the Etsy shop already and will pop it in the Folksy shop later today.

I'll write again in a few days, I have some fab Easter photos of the boys to share with you. Thank you so much for all your lovely comments, I love reading them and hearing what you guys think. Wishing you all a wonderful and chocolate filled Easter.

B x

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Yippee! I got an award, now its your turn

Thank you so much Bairbre Aine for giving me this award, go take a look at her fab blog

A Lemonade Award is given to bloggers that you feel show a positive attitude and/or gratitude. Here's how it works:

1.Put the logo on your blog or post (check)
2.Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude. (check)
3.Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post. (ohhh gonna try)
4.Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
5.Nominate your favorites and link to your post.

Ok, here are my 10 who I feel show much gratitude, great positive attitude and just inspire the heck out of me!

Phew that is harder than you think, to just pick 10! There are more but I have tried to choose people who may not have had an award before. I'm sure most of you have, if so you are modist and aren't advertising the fact. 
Please  go and check out these blogs they are all well worth the read. Thank you all for blogging, please don't stop.
B x