Thank you Emma its fab! I love the watering can button (I have been looking at getting some of these for Beakberdashery) and the coordinating gift bag too. I will definitely be reusing it, may be for one of my PIF gifts. I am hoping to get my own PIF gifts ready over the next few weeks, once I have made all 36 of my lavender dolls that are currently on order. They are going like hot cakes at the mo.
I have already hung it on the fireplace, if I had a potting shed I would hang it in there. I dream of having a potting shed one day, oh and a huge green house. I imagine it to be like this -
Yes, that is Kew Gardens! Well a girl can dream can't she.
I have been meaning to show you some of the family photo shoot piccies. We have been meaning to have some done for a while, so when I won a voucher in a charity raffle it seemed like the perfect opportunity.
The ones of the boys came out really nicely, however the ones of me and Dan were all really cheesy. Why do they make you pose in such silly ways. For one particular photo the photographer had me and Dan laying on our stomachs with noses touching. Lets just say this wasn't the best idea as we both have fair sized conks!
Any way better get back to the crochet, need to get it finished to mail today.
B x